So Satisfying
Guys I need help to spawn back my shizz
This -40% peril reduction with 6 warp stacks goes crazy
Damn they were just lining up to mash me into Corpse Starch
For Zealot, what's the best ranged weapon to deal with carapace armour?
There's no happy ending in the service of the God Emperor
Well, at least it worked out in the end right guys?....
The Ronin has a unique animation with the Katana???
Hunt: Speedrun
You got a sticky?
My Hunter When I Forget To Grab Bulletgrubber
The Assault Players Definitely Have More Fun Than The Others
Stalemates In A Nutshell
Thought I Failed But The Enemy Clutched Up For Me
Now This is a Weapon
This is a pretty filthy spot to place an AA Gun
Get that bomber outta my sight
Average Fort Vaux experience
Sparks Pistol in a Nutshell
Is it just me or do you miss the old theme? Why can't they add a menu music selector
Mosin Obrez doesn't count towards challenges.
To the 10 people that run the Ironside Martini what do you feel about the velocity rounds, does makes it viable?
I hate it when the only payoff of their risky gamble is killing me
The Verdun Experience
Every shot counts