Looking for Mass Comms book
Do we all see Glen as this!? [Ns]
How rare is it to get a Heisman as a DE?
What sayings do the daddies have (or the players) that they repeat throughout the seasons. [spoiler]
Online Degree Question
Unpopular opinion?
I was caught off-guard by RocketJump: The Show [ns]
My Top 50 Anime What You Guys Think ?
My snorlax wood carving
What if gundam had mouth
Tell me your favorite Pokemon native to each of the nine main regions, excluding legendary and starter Pokemon, and I'll tell you what it says about you.
You’d ban my Joshua team, right? No? …ok.
Feelings [ns]
Getting these dice to them so they can roll better on the show :p [ns]
Anthony Beth Will... Dirty Laundry...Dropout [ns]
Need advice
How did you guys find this podcast [ns]
My Pro Potential dropped down to C- due to only having 1 first round pick but the year before:
What are similar podcasts [ns]
[ns] Re-listen 4 and on Talking Dad for Episode 39 and lol
What's your favourite Pokémon?
Seeking recommendations
For people who have played Pokemon for a while are there any newer pokemon (gen 8/9) that have cracked your top 10 favorites?