1.4.4 Test Patch #3
Because some of you very clearly don’t get it
Should Lawbringer be able to chain into a long-arm after a landed unblockable?
What is even the point of Shotguns?
REALLY considering uninstalling this piece of shit that people call a game
Iridescent Shards are earned way too fucking slow.
Are we truly happy with Conqueror as a character?
POV: A minion just saved your from being executed.
Am I the only one who finds the Hillbilly scream annoying?
Shugoki needs to see his light attack nerfed.
Peacekeeper's top heavy finisher should be unblockable
If Valve's version of comp was 6v6 with only stock weapons allowed, would it be more favorable to the competitive playerbase?
Option Selects and why they ruin the offensive flow of fights.
1411 be like
How do people enjoy this game?
To this day, I'm still upset we got Black Prior's personality instead of someone... normal.
If Orochi's Storm Rush had hyper armor, would this make it a better opener?
What is the point of specializing into Crafting?
Why is Territory Control considered shit?
Ubisoft creating a new Hero be like:
Nobushi Theoreticals
"LB is bad now" and why this isnt true
After 4 Year of being in the game, Lawbringer still relies on turtling.
Are you tired of not having fun in your raids? Play Factory.
Why they've nerfed Shinobi.