LF Palkia with SR FT Special move shiny with some BG special move.
LF Below FT Below
Looking for shiny kyurem I have a trinket too :) offering below
Looking for/offering below. HAVE TRINKET.
Looking for below offering below + offers FT last first LF last 3
Offering shiny gmax blastoise. I want a shiny bg kyurem, or other shiny location cards. Prefer if u have trinket.
Want these I have a lot of stuff I can trade to much to lost offering what I have
Looking for Page 1, Offering Rest. Looking for legendaries with background. Also interested in lucky tinker trades. I have more to offer, please DM.
LF Below FT Below. If you don’t have what I’m asking for you can throw an offer. can pay up to 5-1 depending on Pokemon.
Lf Top (The Ones that marked i need it with the specific BG) Offering Bottom (i have more Shinies)
Looking for picture 1 / Offering picture 2 and 3. Wanting guaranteed lucky trades with trinket or 30 days
Offering 2:1 either shiny WH necrozma or shiny LA kyurem plus regular shiny reshiram, looking for shiny black bg reshiram plus use of your lucky trinket
LF Below FT Below 2 lucky trinket available.
Looking for LA BG shiny Kyurem+Torkoal+Tropicus, Offering LA BG shiny Kyurem+Lucky Trinket
Offering this necrozma looking for kyurem and zekrom location background
Looking for trinket lucky shiny galarian corsola. Offering Shiny DA Rayquaza, wild shiny mesprit, among a lot more
LF Below Page 1 FT Below + Offers thanks.
LF Below + Offers FT Below Can do 3-1/5-1
Looking for first picture in blue, offering last 2 pictures in red.
Looking for 2x Shiny BG Kyurem LA or Taipei / Offering 2x Shiny BG Taipei Kyurem, Only lucky mirrors, need each of us to use our trinket
Looking for and offering below
Lf: BOTH clones zard and armored mewtwo, FT: apex ho oh
Looking for picture Offering in Dm Have loads of stuff
Looking for offering below