Uncle saw this in the sky on 12/13 (Friday the 13th).
Soldier claims that we are launching the drones and that the orbs are the “aliens”. He says that in 2025 there will be a lot more truth exposed
All of these sitings have my mind melted. What’s going on
Obvious AI art on a T-shirt while looking for Christmas gifts
i love catatonicyouths
Day 3 of Getting Every US County From Comments
Tips for improving incline bench
Why are so many people choosing not to have kids anymore?
Can someone plz tell me what this means?
why in ant colonies they have those few stupid ones with the bigass head
New to cleans, any tips?
Halloweens over Merry Christmas everyone!
Form check deadlift
what kind of person are you?
In 1959, 9 Russian Hikers Vanished Mysteriously. Rescuers Found Their Tent Cut Open From The Inside. What Happened?
What is it
Lightroom downloads? GenP
Lower back pain (135lbs)
How bad is my form? 🥴
Squat check
Updated form check
Never thought I'd be one of these posts... but here i am
How are the Florida Keys highways maintained so well considering undesirable weather?
What the hell is happening
When you order your equipment off of wish.com
Large part of truck bent during an attempt to unload it.