If Stanley Kubrick had to direct a superhero movie what superhero or just IP would he choose?
"So you're a fan of Kubrick? Name this film."
Godfather Is Better Than The Shawshank Redemption
Songs that indirectly birthed a piece of media
What Less-Known Sci-Fi Movie You Can Recommend? My Recommendation - Moon 2112 (2009) With Great Sam Rockwell.
What band do you intensely dislike for no real reason?
People of reddit, if you had to pick a single sound effect that played everytime you nutted, what would you pick?
Fans of Thin Lizzy, what are your favorite deep tracks?
A few years ago all I did was collecting this game 👀
Songs that have an 8-bit instrumental (or segment) in them
My friend has an extensive collection and (lets me) play them all - Les Paul Custom BB 35th Anniversary
What is your favourite deluxe version?
Songs about work
What song has a downright nasty bassline?
Her Majesty is a beautiful ender and it makes me tear up every time after the rollercoaster of the full medley
What's the most obscure Beatles fact you know ?
My best friend dresses like this nearly every day
Women wearing plastic face protectors from snowstorms (1939)
Songs that make a timeline with their title, years only
Popular prog bands you cant get into.
What's the oldest movie you enjoyed? (Without "grading it on a curve" because it's so old)
I just went to my iTunes account and I had downloaded complete album apple Venus (volume 1) and river of orchids is now “unavailable “ what’s next???
Worst concert ever
If Disney made The Thing
Wellp it's over, my childhood gamestop that I've been coming to since I was probably 6 years old and have bought at least a 100 games from is closing down 😭