Player legitimately rolls worst stats in history, should I allow them to reroll?
I’m about halfway to 2000 points, how should I expand?
Keyword or Model?
Might is Right, rules clarification
What is the deff killa wartrike?
Did I use the wrong cork?
Storm Boyz Kitbash
Did playing as the Orks change your mindset?
Toxic game?
Is this a good list for 500 point games?
I feel like i botched this one
Do you think the "chameleon cloak" could use some improvement or am I just being over critical?
Which army should I start with?
Just made a successor decal with moon and sword. Help me name the chapter? Midnight rangers, Twilight Guard, hmmm
Advice on time spent Vs result
Do these klan symbols come across as fire themed?
Future Ork units you'd like to see
Help! I'm looking for advice to improve my painting.
[Help] Looking for tips on next steps for improving
(WIP) Trukk still in da mek shop, what tink?
What should I naem dis big git?
Finished my Snikrot
Barry and ‘is Helpin’ Klaws
Does this pass as a battle wagon?