Slow Ahead Chapter 137-1: Type II versions of sickly ships do be that lively after being rejuvenated (Yorktown II, Ayanami, Z23)
old skyremes.
We need to bring back the OG DnD argument
Could we handle the Dragon crisis irl?
Caenis x Jalter (@deccatezu)
What girls will survive
Denver showing off her stern (Competition Swimsuit)
Debut to present (art by itsZenvy)
Bogue and Graf Spee's post night scene with Deadpan SKK, along with a curious Deutschland [Fanart OC].
"First Time DM" and Short Questions Megathread
What is considered heresy in your world?
I beg your pardon.
Why would Jarl Siddgeir make a deal with bandits to rob his own hold?
Thieves Guild Overhaul and the best Lockpicking/Pickpocket/Thief mods
Do you like modest girls? (Denver)
Out-deluding the Jun'you (nanagiリボルバーえるふさん/@nanagi_illust) [TL/TS by me]
Before I even played KH2 for the first time, there was, the scariest thing in the community.
"Heyo, Commander! I heard you had a long day. Ready for some cuddlin' with me?" (Cleveland aka Clevewife)
Richelieu want skk to go to mass
Memphis plush
Morrowboomers be like:
What happens to the reach if you wipe both the Silver Bloods and Madanach from the Reach?
Every Shipgirl Ranked by Intimacy with the Commander (Port Timeline Event Stories + Voicelines)
What are the stupidest and funny mods you've come across?
Essex do a little trolling {Essex, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Akagi, Yat Sen, Mainz, Bismarck}