Those of you interested in buying the Mavic 4, is the looming DJI ban deterring you from buying it?
I made an anchor house.
How do I get this emote?
Why doesn’t the lucky drops become more valuable at this stage
Why are ‘your mom jokes’ a thing?
What do you suppose they are talking about?
How does your phone count the steps you take since it’s only on one leg?
What rule change is he talking about
Why Is it so easy to slip back into watching and what are some things that will help to stay away from porn
How do I clean a baseball cap?
Why doesn’t the ink of a ballpoint pen flow out the back?
I’m vaccinated, why cant my phone connect to 5g?
What is your favorite Hoonigan car?
Does shaving actually make your hair grow faster?
Why do cars have accidents? Were they never potty trained?
Why do stars disappear during the day?
How come some people has phobia of snakes, we hangout and spend time with snakes all the time. My coworkers for example. Im not scared of them at all.
Do plants in Australia grow down into the ground?
Why do women say ‘daddy’ during sex?
Is water wet?
Since you smoke out of the butt of a cigarette, does that mean you are eating ass?
How long does it take bird seed to grow?
Why are legendary items always yellow, epics are purple, rares are blue/orange and commons are green/grey?
Can I put metal in the center of my food to make it cook faster?