Tim Bannon, a 14-year-old born without arms, successfully completed a 20-inch box jump.
What's your MBTI and how long are you able to endure stress?
Holy Shit, Arthur, What Did You Do To Yourself/ Concerned Charles
Enough modding for today.
When a kid plays better than you.
Pro wrestlers alignment chart
Letters of Marque and Reprisal
*Laugh evilly*
What do you think of when you hear power metal ?
New teacher
Music taste ig?
Maps of all Tarot Cards locations
People who are self taught, how did you do it?
Do y’all ever do long-running bits with your Arthur?
Race car drive Zachary Tinkle. Not sure what you call this haircut but it looks terrible.
Just got back from Wisconsin.
What musical instrument would INFPs be?
Who thinks cities are just beautiful?
[18 F] i’ve never had a boyfriend, is it because of my looks or bc i’m picky. also pls lmk if i should change anything
Honest Q: Does anyone choose to play harpsichord or is that shit decided for you?
Political Compass Game Night
How conversations with online capitalists go:
Never Lend Your Tools To Centrist
We don’t always have to agree, but lets always treat each other with respect.
Unhealthy INFJ 5w4 pov on everyone