Finally managed to defeat Siren at level 75 as a Thief. Got her in 14:40 minutes, she despawns after 15 minutes.
So, Who Is The Flagship Character For XI........?
I can't believe she casually dropped the K-word like that.
I love doing side quests for little moments like this.
What do you guys think about Zircon sand color? I'm undecided some days I think it looks cool, others I think it looks kinda ugly.
Question for mail handers.
Planning to buy a 2025 Mazda3 Hatchback 2.5 Carbon Turbo
$30K max budget, 20-mile daily commute. What car should I buy?
Would you buy a 2011 Honda Accord with 35,000 miles?
Maint. Can someone explain PRES
I've been stuck on volume 18 for over a month.
Maintenance HOPS question
Etrian Odyssey is incredibly fun on mobile.
I think I'm stuck
Games that allow you to create an entire party like EO?
Red Wings for rural. What other options do you like.
Maintenance. Are pm checklists available online?
if life was a videogame what would some QoL features be that people dont really notice
BEMs how do you guys deal with management?
A 4 Cell Crash on the APBS
What are the best games to go into completely blind?
Is Jenny aware?
Name of "T" jammer for dock door bottom bracket. Can't find part anywhere.
"Recycle any monitor and save 10% on any new LG monitor." Expired offer still shows up, will it be honor?
"Recycle any monitor and save 10% on any new LG monitor" Questions