Fuck Meta AI
No shit, Sherlock
Some artists have a problem with technology itself.
They say "don't build toy models with kaggle datasets" scrape the data yourself
It's really annoying when Anti-AI people position themselves as far smarter than "AI bros" and then struggle to (or at least act like they are struggling) think of why people could enjoy AI
An intensive classroom to answer all the claims and arguments against AI
The last argument?
The Irony 🤣
Deepseek is overthinking
Please stop posting about randos online. I came here to discuss AI, not discuss the people who oppose it
Honest opinions please
They’re back to using sexual assault rhetoric. It seems like one of the defining characteristics of Anti’s is their complete unwillingness to learn or grow
r/ aiwars is a depraved hell hole full of degenerate ai bros
this is just disappointing to actual tributes
AI making inroads in Hollywood
An interesting work of AI art
how to import DPRK music
A girl uses her skin as a dressing element
The Message by Ta-Nahisi Coates
Antis, what is the historical precedent for "The rich will hoard the AI tech for themselves"?
AI Art Haters Unable to Distinguish AI Art from the Real Deal
In case anyone doubts there has been major progress in AI since GPT-4 launched
A very detailed Experiment of Glaze using Distinct Art Style With a Permission from an Artist
Gen ai is DOOMED anyway
Gen ai will probably become reserved for the billion dollars corporations soon
Stages of Grief