Farmers Dog STOPPP
My best friend left today.
Pablo. 19 1/4 y.o.
Good bye bestest boy and soul dog.
Friday Fun Day - post a pic of your IX
My 2022 65” C2
Upgraded to Arc Ultra today. I LOVE IT!
[Hunt] Straight guy in red shirt and cap standing next to a red jeep wrangler. Eventually gets head I think.
Picking up my New iX50 today (2025) - What should I make sure they include?
My account was disabled out of nowhere. What should I do? I can't find any options to appeal the decision. The link to the help center doesn't redirect me to anything.
How to lower electrical bill? My house heat is set at 73, is this normal? Joemc
Georgia Trans Influencer Killed by Boyfriend Who Reportedly Wanted to Keep Relationship Secret a Day After Country Passes Anti-LGBT Law
[WTS] Panerai Luminor Marina Quaranta ref. PAM1371 40MM Full Kit
Had fun fucking this Mexican guy when he was looking for adventure in his ass
When PoE 2 talked about Boss resetting after Death, I thought we would get 6 chances at them, not one.
Full cleared a map in POE2, heres the loot:
How much money do you guys make ?
Diablo 4 has nothing to worry about, Path of Exile 2 is trash
Quitting due to boredom
Loving POE2, but the thought of doing this campaign multiple times is exhausting
Sanctum feels worse than Labrynth for Ascendency
Never played PO1, my 2 cents on PO2
To everyone loving PoE 2, do you want to do this campaign every 4 months?
poe 2 seems somewhat... bad?
Black Republicans feel left out of Trump’s second-term picks