Crazy pull from today
With how well-received Kingdoms has been by the community, would you mind Redhook "sun-setting" Confessions (barring support for new heroes) and focus on developing Kingdoms exclusively?
Opposite ennemy mechanics rant
What other Marvel couple actually has a healthy relationship?
Favorite Quotes?
So Reed just put all future Blade writers out of a job...
Gamemode focused around sieges doesn't have a sally out option is criminal!
Why are they called the usual suspects?
There's evidence that the events of the first game have indeed happened, including "spoilers"
Yura is not evil
Hero death quote appreciation post
Nice I got my jacket from the merch store early
I understand why the Crypt Keeper is siding with the slimes, he clearly seems infected. But what is the Bagman's deal? Why is he helping them and why don't they attack him?
What are the confession badges behind heroes in the crossroads?
Satisfying round 1 sweep
Themes of Regions
Lawful Good heroes?
We need more options for acquiring Celestials and Hypogeons
Just realized that, if their DOT resistances are similar to DD1, all Kingdoms factions will have high blight resistance. May Bonnie save us all
Favorite new moves in DD2?
Some somewhat hidden passive effects/enemy buffs the game doesn’t directly tell you
Rare Ancestor Beatboxing voice line.
Highwayman? I don't even know her.
Any suggestions?