Pekerjaan apa yg lagi high demand/low supply/ga banyak yg minat di indonesia sekarang?
Fitness Progress
Emangnya Tinutuan alias bubur Manado segitu gak enaknya ya, sampai masuk top 20?
Worst rated dishes in the the world
survey pandangan cowok
Honestly I expect that
Biaya Hidup di Jerman
girls of r/perempuan, what's your experience on using contraceptive besides Condom?
Why suddenly sex hurts?
Which celebrity has the same body type as you?
About 🍒
I got assaulted in the cinema for eating chips
Für welches (Online)Abo gebt ihr euer Geld gerne aus?
your wifey material
Mau curhat, Wajar gk sih aku marah sama pacarku karena dia buat akun ig khusus utk ngeliat tobrut?
Sanity Sunday - come here to vent/rant and get advice!
Studium durchziehen oder abbrechen so lange es noch geht?
Representation: Olympic Athletes
Brust OP
Hilfe bei brustvergrößerung