just adopted this little lady and i need name suggestions 🥹
Butter got an upgrade!
Any help is appreciated
Mealworm virus?
Name ideas for my sweet opposite girls !!
Leopard gecko substrate recommendations
Is it possible to combine two glass terrariums together at the sides?
Hints on Morph?
Knotted necklace
What’s my style called? Please help
What happened? Mass beetle die-off
Picture update of the absolute best little disabled boy!! Look at his happy little face!
Grandpa Hugo throwing some sass for his worms!
Does anyone else’s little pal get so excited to see you that they vibrate their tail when they figure out you’re near?
Name suggestions
Can everyone (and the chairs) be removed but my wife and I? If we could remove the concrete slab by the water even better. Whoever makes the wife happy I’ll tip $20 to.
When birds come straight to the source!
Looking for ID and an idea of Value (fact/opinion/experience welcomed)
Identification of “extra” elements on this typewriter?
Buddy’s new fav spot.
gecko has not eaten in two weeks
Super man posing while being absolutely ZONKED
Home… from Coyote’s eye level. I wonder if he thinks my room is messy? Judger.
Freeze!! Show me your hands!