Do you still use a top sheet on your bed? Why or why not?
ED survivors?
Not loving my decor
For people who don’t drink coffee, how do you wake up in the morning?
Made a $5k mistake at work TWICE
No one in game chat anymore
Self diagnosed autism is not valid
Another storm could be hitting gso
As a man who wants kids, what would be your reaction towards adoption ?
Valentines Weekend Get Away?
Help me decide!
What could we do for $5k to improve this 1950s kitchen?
What do women think of men painting their nails?
Volvo Penta Tune Up
DAE get scared their significant other is going to die soon?
How do people ask for nudes?
Shows that will hook me in the first episode?
What's an occupation that's been around for 1000s of years and won't go away anytime soon?
Best way to wash dogs paws in between baths?
Why DON’T you fear death?
How to haggle with a car dealership
What is your favorite “F” word besides the obvious?
5 days after staining. What can I do at this point? Not wet anymore but still very tacky.
How to fix this?