What's your favorite fairytale ever? (Mine: Gingerbread man)
I love that during livin la vida loca they introduce the voice cast with scenes we saw during the movie in retrospect with a random pause. Fiona's is the best lol. Shrek 2 is iconic even in that
Best Henry Episode from the Sharon Miller Era
Best Tv Season 3 Era Video
If Anthony had played a Foreign Chef in Cold Spaghetti Western what would've been his name and Country or Continent of Origin?
What's you're favorite song from the Shrek Movies Soundtracks?
Which International Got Talent Alumni Acts Do You Want To See On AGT This Year?
If they were to meet how will they get along?
Is TTTE your favorite TV Series of all time?
Which way now is extremely forgettable according to yall. So now, what's the best episode for beginners?
Best Henry Episode from the Hit Model Series
Rusty and the boulder is the weirdest episode in the series. What about the most forgettable?
Since TMS already did a theme night based on Shrek, what other DreamWorks/Disney property would you like to see become a theme night?
WHAT WAS Donald AND Douglas's BEST SEASON OR Special
I just rewatched this masterpiece. I'd like to know some things you guys like/dislike about it. I think It's interesting to hear other people's takes.
My favorite seasons are Thomas and friends of all-time are
Thomas and the jets takes the title of funniest episode in a LANDSLIDE. So what's the saddest/most beautiful?
Best Tv Season 2 Era Video
What's your favorite Shrek movie and why?
Favourite Episode S2 & S3
Whats the BEST thomas episode EVER?
Which One Would You Have?
Let's stop talking about Shrek 5 for a minute and talk about how tight that first film is
Favourite Episode