The Center save file deleted
How to access PSN packs?
What to do with rosaries?
Ark Additions Base Game
How to get teleporter mod to work?
Full mana potion?
Bosses too easy?
Multiplayer trouble
Umbral finisher
Ive been swayed by other peoples negative comments about this game and i hate myself for it...
Jason Brody gasoline scene
Reasons I want to purchase Farcry 6
Walmart managers am I right?
Never trust a boss
Automatically fired at 5 points?
What’s a monster that you really like the design of, but absolutely hate fighting?
Propably my favorite layered set
Really dude
Anyone wanna grind Uragaan with me?
Anyone want to team up? I’m on PS4 and could really use some people to play with fairly regularly. 🙂 My PSN is TreetopWanderer.
Yooo fellow hunters!! Hey would anyone be up for helping me out with the ancient leshen quest? I’m so close to having enough materials for the Witcher sword but I figured taking it on by myself is really dumb idea lol.
Love hunting for the small stuff! Found this guy today l!!! Prism Herc
Power Axe or Sword Mode when a monster is downed?
i just love that this game can get me excited still after 1000 hours.
Multiplayer is hard to get working
Everyone says nargacuga is a cat, but whenever I see its head, I see a bat. What do you guys think? Cat or bat?