AITA for refusing to give up my dream wedding dress because my sister can't afford it?
What did you do on your cancerversary?
27 m straight - what should I do with this weird spot near the ceiling?
Soon to be ex husband strikes again. What can I prop what can I not? My heart is broken . Please help save my looking glass and my angel wing
Anyone in Ontario use Paxman cold caps? Would you say they’re worth it? $3,700 for 12 treatments here in Toronto.
How long after surgery did you start radiation?
My grandpa's Bird of paradise (banana for scale)
Honest opinions please
I’m working on a little ditty called “Take These Mutha Fukin Drains Out Before I Do It Myself and Then Burn Your Office Down”
Worried she’ll be disappointed by the size of the ring.
I’m drowning in self hate. I guess I’m posting this in hopes to hear there’s a way out
Running the risk of sounding like Scrooge I have a question for y’all
Terrified in the infusion chair
Chemo therapy port in right side chest severe pain in arm.
What did you do to help manage the terror before your upcoming mastectomy?
A very ouchy feeling, please commiserate
RB&R (:
What’s up with Claritin and Neulasta side effects?
What can we put in these 2 arched window things in our living room ?
What... is THIS?
Christmas Eve Surgery Update
Nurse navigator- mythical creature?
Update: AITA for refusing to let my sister bring her dog to my house after what happened last time?
What do you guys use for trailing plants on walls?
What weird / embarrassing / funny side effects have you had from treatment? I'll go first ...