Cry me a river
New idea for an episode: “Mac opens a gym”
Who Is The Best Athlete?
STEPHEN COLLINS - He Insisted He Was 'Not Attracted to Children' — Yet Admitted to Doing Something 'Terribly Wrong'
My 9-year-old is more advanced than your 9-year-old
I mean, it was really necessary?
I begged on the street for this…
Never noticed how much the VP looks like fat norm
Name a Beatles song you know it's bad but still love
Which one is John’s most iconic/well-known look?
But you gave yourself up to be laid off tho
Today is George Harrison’s birthday, what’s your favorite song of his?
It's wild that this is the same character only three years apart
Olympus Mons: The biggest volcano in our star system!
Which character do you think has the most badass name?
What was Bran doing in The Long Night?? (Wrong answers only👁️🫦👁️)
What's an Always Sunny quote that would get you banned from reddit?
I live in the US. This idiot is not making it safer.
Just keep moving Backwards.
What line delivery never fails to make you laugh?
Dream crossover. The gang visit Camden county and inspired by Earl, create lists of all the bad things they have ever done and try to make up for them, but just end up adding new even worse deeds to the list.
Still counts right?
Is The Baseball Player Batting Right or Left Handed?
Screw the top, who do y'all think was the worst player of the game of thrones?
Octopus leg sleeve by me @clvntn (Kiku Space, Singapore)