What do you mean you won’t hand feed me? 😾
a little blue Pixie 🧚
Meet Milù, my 5-month-old lilac boy
Show me some weird/funny pics of your bsh
7 months with Marceline ☺️
How much did your BSH weigh
Meet Winston, our new rescue
Brush strokes!
Earl Grey after 5 months
What was the worse thing your boss ever said to you?
I had to say goodbye to Sam today
This is Dumping
Today Barnie decided to be a lap cat
Chum not letting me leave the house
Max says goodnight after a disappointing ‘no more play’ conversation
[23F] How Do I Improve Be Very Honest
We put up the Christmas tree today… Umi seems to like it
One of my favourite pictures of my boy
How much do your BSH weigh?
He has revolutionized grooming himself I guess…
Why does Parsnip sit like a roast chicken??
Show me goofy pics of your little fur baby!
Do your cats like wearing clothes?
Vet seemed surprised kitten is BSH? but her paperwork says she is. What are your thoughts?
What is the worst illness you’ve ever had?