Is it smart to wait for CIN2 to clear up before a LEEP?
Alternative treatment options
The smell is really the worst part.
CIN 3 and CIN 2 Biopsy results
Positive LEEP experience!
We all think we won’t find someone who we will love as much again— what’s your experience?
Is this fixable?
missing them is PART of the healing process
LEEP on Wednesday armed with a single Xanax
Leep procedure
Positive/neutral LEEP experiences?
CIN2 HPV high risk
6 weeks post LEEP?? Is this healthy or should I be concerned?
Pain and recovery after leep with a big cone
Trying to stand up for myself
I’m told I’m a narcissist / huge fight over not doing laundry
Am I just inconsiderate??
I feel brave.
When they send you things like this
Positive post-LEEP sex experiences?
Cycle of Abuse
I don’t know what just happened
Husband beat me. And makes himself the victim
I will quit my addiction before it kills me. The hope of change always falls apart. I can’t forgive him.