Does size matter and why?
What are the most attractive non-physical qualities a woman can have?
Where were you during 9/11?
Brightney Redesign
Looey :D
Drew Ginger from memory
Help me name this tiny angel
What is one thing you would never buy, even if you had a billion dollars?
Unpopped kernels > Regular popcorn
What's something considered to be intelligent, but is effectively dumb?
Describe Case in 1 word
[FOR HIRE] Creatures from my sketchbook
help me name my two standard poodles!
How would you react if you found a 'self entertainment device' in your spouse's night stand?
What’s the most ridiculous argument you’ve ever had, and that you still think you were right about?
what is your least favorite part of living alone?
Who is someone that is really overlooked?
There's a zombie apocalypse and the first item on your left is your weapon, what is it?
What happens if you hit the cervix?
How do you think your life would be different if you had been born a different gender?
okay done the mains (all art of all of the toons soon)
What is the greatest purchase you’ve ever made?
What was your weirdest dream?
Have you watched The Road To El Dorado (2000)? Whats your opinion on it?