Gen Z what are your thoughts on Zelenskyi?
10-річний український хлопчик, який за два роки еміграції опанував ірландську (не плутати з ірландським діалектом англійської)
“I find this very moving: a 10-year-old Ukrainian boy who moved to the West of Ireland 2 years ago as a refugee, speaking in Irish of his love of playing Irish music” [OP from]
The UN speech on Ukraine of MoFA of Poland Radek Sikorski
добрий день. ні в кого немає знайомих такого роду і схожих випадків.
in case any politician ever doubts who started the war
My GF blowjobs are dry
If the USA sells Ukraine now, we will probably be next in a potential conflict with Russia. This is already a certain pattern of their actions.
Scared to cum in gf
Job in Lviv - How safe is it?
Ukraine needs us now more than ever - World Wide demonstrations for Ukraine (info in the comments).
Zelensky popularity
From an American, I’m sorry.
Stalin, Hitler, and Mussolini as boys. Roughly the same age
With all that has happened. Would Europe be accepting of the UK if it wanted to rejoin the EU? Why?
Zelensky's chance of winning in the possible future elections?
US presented Ukraine with a document to access its minerals but offered almost nothing in return
Why there is only 3 in Poland ? Where Krakow? Or Wrocław? Łódź? Katowice? Gdańsk? Where are the big cities?
Spread the word and strand with Ukraine 🇪🇺🇺🇦
Ukraine is Non-Negotiable
Just got dumped right after sex on Valentine’s Day.
Ain't that something
One of those stories that don't end well
Mr Trump wants to pay me $12 billion dollars… 😂
The Human Cost of WW2 in Europe
Google AI doing a cracking job
Вітаю, якими автобусними компаніями ви користуєтесь і порадите з Київа до Варшави?