Is it ok to fly if when i swallow it hurts my ears and throat (i had the flu but I’m almost recovered with other symptoms)
Official: Season 3 Coming AUGUST 12
Release of NHIE s3
What film do you see as a cinematic masterpiece?
What's a terrible story you wrote as a teenager that you're still embarrassed of to this day?
What is your all time favourite television series?
If James wasn’t the main character, who would you want it to be?
Agents don’t spend a lot of time prepping a mission
If you owned an “inconvenient store” what would you sell there?
What is Your Favorite Moment ? - The Sleepwalker
If you could give me one tip that changed your writing for better instantly, what would it be?
[Daily Discussion] First Page Feedback- March 05, 2022
Who is someone that was mocked at the moment, but then proven right years later?
Would you read CHERUB books set in covid times?
For anyone who's read the first two books in Cherub 2; what did you think of Ning?
What is the best Lauren moment in the series?
Just finished sleepwalker
What Is Your Favorite Moment ? - Divine Madness
What is Your Favorite Moment ? - The Killing
Maximum Security- good or bad?