What I must do every time I go to the bathroom
I'm trying to get my mind off what's happening in this country so I'm going to paint cats today. Post some cats for me to paint!
What is your most favorite video/series from Mark, that you re-watch a lot?
Ready to fight (Art by me)
Coke can
Who has immediately panick attack?
I can take anything make me cry
Fuck me up. Just turned 20, psychology major, in crippling debt, drug addict.
Now, which “cat” are you taking home?
What does my art make you feel?
Help me name my little boy! We have no idea!
What does my art smell like?
Do your worst Daemon.
My uncle said he’s ugly
Post your cat pic in the comments and I'll make a quick sketch!
Show me your cat’s silliest facial expression to add to this doodle😋
We DO judge
don't hold back, do ur worst
Very thoughtful meme title
Help! I need a name for my new kitty. Were leaning more towards a dessert names
Name our alley cat! Sandwich themed names, please!
roast me fereal this time
Please Name My New Tortie (I prefer non human names but fine with all)
Fuck zodiac signs
Let me draw your sonas PLEASE