“Your country exists because of what America provides to you, don't forget that”
Let's bring back the big Costco muffins and the poppyseed flavor!
Talky buttons: am I missing something?
🚨 HAPPENING AGAIN: Massive attack on X is ongoing. This is attack NUMBER 4. The attackers are relentless. Elon Musk says it is so well-organized it could be a country.
My girlfriend hates my new shower curtain
I'm about to sell my body in hopes that it'll allow us to breathe
The idea that women are somehow more peaceful leaders than men
What is up with millennials not wanting to get to know their neighbors?
Forgot to water my spider plant now it looks like this, is it too late to save it? Do I need to cut the dried ones off?
My tuxedo baby turns brown in the sun. Did I get a knockoff/off-brand tuxedo? Does Toby still count?
Found her in the parking lot next to a dumpster! She’s super sweet. Help me name her 🫶🏼
Why do people buy frozen vegetables instead of buying fresh?
How often do you talk to your folks?
Why do people tend to prefer longlines over retractables?
Do you think that a man can love you but still cheat on you?
Dear US Citizens. I am terrified for you. Please help yourselves asap. This is the part they don't want you to know about & won't let your media tell you, that we in the rest of the world are being told about......
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
Are you ok?
Has the raising dog book helped with dog training?
AITA for refusing to pay for my nephew’s college education after setting clear conditions?
Re-homing a reactive 7lb Havanese with bite history. Advice
Intermittent clicking noise & dash lights flickering while idling and driving
Why don’t more people suggest medicating your dog’s aggression?
How many times a day do you feed your pets?
My neighbor is raising his puppy into reactiveness (vent)