Warlocks have crazy good combos now.
Making a very lucky gambler
Casters should always choose a component pouch over a focus.
We started our careers on this subreddit. Now we’re on D&D Beyond. WTH. Our Biggest Giveaway Thank You! [OC]
How are they playing a 6 cost on turn 3?
How did player pay 9 on turn 6 for win?
How did they spend 9 on turn 6?
Changing Rests. Double remaining HP for Long. No healing when below 1/2 Max HP for Short.
Homebrew is not sharing with DND Beyond campaign
2024 Surprise rules don't work.
Do recruiters not know what "Remote" means?
Does spell preparation make sense in-universe?
Magic is Loud and Noticeable
As a new player, I wish there were more feats/abilities for none spellcasters
Changes to Constrictor Snake. No restrain and unlimited grapples??
Skeleton homebrew thoughts. Piercing resistance vs Disadvantage for Piercing attacks.
What's your most hated deck to play against?
Need to bring back Undead Traits from 3.5
Genuinely curious
11th split of Shang chi and I’m now asking for this new system to be deleted LOLLLLL
How often do you use milestones for levels ?
Why didn't Warner invested more in this game from the begging?
This game feels horrible for a returning player
Am I in the wrong for wanting rules to be bent so my character doesn’t get aged 30 years?
Thoughts on removal of Blunt, Slash, Pierce resistance.