Anyone else’s hairless cat not so hairless?
Made a Basic Tomie with a Monster High Doll
Custom dolls so far from this year + new wip
Finished custom Rouge doll with g3 clawdeen
My Finished custom Rouge doll with g3 clawdeen
Custom Rouge doll I made!
What your dream Skullector
Rouge the bat progress
Introducing strawberry milk cat, my favorite custom that I made 🍓🥛
Sphynx hate (Question)
When me and my boyfriend are both MH fans but not the same MH
Show me your silliest/weirdest sphynx pics
Tomie doll head i sculpt for BJD or monster high
Just a few sleepy pictures of Frankie 💙💙
Finished custom doll head
Pay your cat tax
Finished head sculpt!!!
Tomie doll I made
New Spectra drawing
Any ideas of what I could make these two?
How does one modify these? I’m getting imomodoll but I want to add piercings to the face and ears! What glue/resin do I use and should I get a mini drill for ear holes?(THESE ARE BY Jililijililiji on ig!)
Boyfriends first custom update
Newest custom is an original design!
Finished Uzumaki doll till I can get higher quality Gel to tame her hair
High quality Tomie pictures