it's leviOsa, not levioSA
I’m tired Chat…
Social Facilitation Effect
Least Favorite CARS Type of Question
AAMC Picasso Passage
Underrated classes that aren't pre-reqs but are super important for the MCAT
Clarification on Differences between "Tumor" and "Cancer"
Trouble Reading B/B
Chem/Phys passages are killing me
Anki Decks
Help Understanding This Question
Faith in Overcoming CARS mental block
Stuck in a mental CARS block
Chat, What’s your WORST mnemonic that you would feel embarrassed to tell anyone about?
Chat, What’s your WORST pneumonic that you would feel embarrassed to tell anyone about?
Passage Practice Alternatives
Endless is not fun (except for catches)
Jack-O move tierlist but remade with criticism from the last one I made
Top 10 moves that I almost never see people use (even if some of them are not bad moves)
What cat did you get early on and still use il go first [Discussion]
[Fluff] advice on grinding for XP?
[Discussion] treasure fest not appearing.
Treasure fest not showing up?