How would you react if theory that my glorious king is actually a villain and will betray luffy were true?
Do we agree?
Why do the marines not use sea prism bullets?
'No Marcus Fenix Collection', Says Gears of War Dev - Ign (throwback Thursday to 2015!)
According to fandowire,One Piece is the most watched anime/most pirated media in history, surpassing Game of Thrones,no film or series has been pirated more on the internet than One Piece
What do you think the themes of Silent Hill: f will be?
"Cody is a million times better than Cena" LoL
Strong? Yes,, Charisma? Yes, Good on the mic? Yess,, Good promos? Yes,, Good in-ring performance? Absolutely Yes
r/Piratefolk in a nutshell
Thoughts? I think it makes sense
this is how usopp will reach his dream thx to the holy knights
One Piece Chapter 1143 Brief Spoilers By Pew
Who cut a heel promo on RAW on the road to WrestleMania better, Hulk Hogan (2002) or John Cena (2025)?
Buggy is the only true underdog and embodies the themes of the series. No overpowered devil fruit or Haki, no special lineage, no road poneglphs, no loyal commanders. Just a dream. All it takes to be a pirate is the eye for opportunity and the audacity act on it.
People would do anything except admit that Oda is weird for making a 30-year-old woman fall for a 17-year-old. “Hancock doesn’t love Luffy”🤡My God this fandom sucks 🙃💀
Break week is over boys AND HYPE PIECE IS BAAAAAACK!!!!:
I think One piece should've been a book series
OK what is this take?😅😅
Did bro cook
This moment's aura is more than whatever zoro did afterwards (except the kuma scene) cause it actually makes him go on a rampage
Oda please make this canon and my life is your's😭🙏
Amma be fr , this is pretty much cannon evidence that tashigi=kuina.
What happened to her scar?
Solo Leveling > One Piece