What are some ways of sharing stories or events with him so he can make a video on it?
What accessories match this style?
Some good ol' vandalism never hurt anyone.Or did it ?
WCGW doing a drag race
What shoe is this?
to breed pitbulls
To not smile while committing a crime.
To shoot a threat
First pair
sold fake pills
It feels off now that I added the white foam
Table saw VS hand
Penile strangulation with two different objects, and removal
That bird is on fire?
Why am I not getting perks
Remote Start malfunction causes GMC Sierra to blow motor and catch fire.
Need for speed heat 95% off
MW3 being to big
he was fighting a blind kid
In your opinion, which game here is best?
Which of these games are backwards compatible?
Which one of these are backwards compatiable with xbox one?
How much could i sell all these for? (check both)