Swampert 039378036714
039378036714 Mega Swampert stinky
039378036714 Tapu Koko is literally right behind me
039378036714 Mega lucario, starting in 2 min
039378036714 Articuno on me
039378036714 Mega lucario, heard if you join it’s shiny confirmed
039378036714 articuno on me shiny confirmed
Mega Lucario on me 039378036714
WB White Kyurem 039378036714
039378036714 WB black kyrem doing multiple 2 locals
039378036714 Wb white Kyurem
039378036714 Zekrom on me
039378036714 WB Reshiram. If I already have you added comment name
039378036714 WB Reshirimaama
039378036714 WB Reshiram on me, doing a few in a row
039378036714 Terrakon on me, please comment name I have too many added
039378036714 Virizion on me, comment name for better chance of being inv
Cobalion on me and then will be doing the other 2 soon after 039378036714
039378036714 Genesect add and stay online
039378036714 genesect appear online
WB Yvetal on me 2 local 039378036714
WB yveltal on me 039378036714
Xerneas raid on me 039378036714 be online
Hoopa on me add and be online!!!