What is your go-to first word in Wordle?
Rainy nights in Singapore
What are the most enjoyable bus ride services in Singapore?
What Ao3 trope will come true next? [positive]
JC COP change from l1r5 to l1r4
"Seven years later…"—and still no answers on VERS?
The Hidden Truth about CJ50
academic monsters with a stacked portfolio
90% of mainstream porn is fucking disgusting.
im soooo down bad
Is my dad being too much?
is there a mental-health crisis in singapore
What was a restaurant/service you went to that had negative reviews but turned out to be decent/good?
Two idiots
doomed gays where are you my beloveds 🤑🤑
My thoughts about Bucks relationships
Non Polar Star users, which other bow do you use on him? I am using Rust and waiting for a good 5 star bow to come on limited banner.
It's stunlock Sunday somewhere
I think my guy friend likes me.
Muted characters this patch (Spoiler tag just in case)
Why i think being a boy would be better
What is you bus you hate to take during peak hours but have no choice
If you could ask Aziraphale to try any dish from your country, which one would it be?😋
i hate my psle results so much!!!