i just wanted to share my little willowscript writing here:)
Type r/(any sub reddit you want) is and let autocomplete do it's thing
Ask Ember anything! (Within limits)
when the dream isnt in sea major
Accents! (Updated)
How tall is your OC? Realistic is 5'4" btw 😁
I made an online Willowscript Text Editor!
Accent markers & letters! (E.g. æ, ) ç, ß, etc)
Wanted to make something for some Reading Proficiency practice. Still a WIP, but one chapter down and I'm having a great time.
Just odd
I start a culinary class next year, what should I know?
Loving this language so far
adache ace Cater tally Ill Inhue Slut whore
Can you help my wife (and I) with this?
Accent Markers!!!
My dinner today
My first draft of the Cyrillic Version Willow Script
I’ll have one large pizza with extra _______
Can someone make a variant for Cyrillic?
The square root of 81 is 362880!
Anyone else use willow script for another latin alphabet based language?
They freaked the second I referenced phone guy