Which quotes have become a part of your everyday life?
Name that sword!
A sword in the sky
just thought this was kind of funny 😂
Spotted at the grocery store. Love the subtlety of the second sticker.
How do you pronounce Kennebec/Kennebunk?
What business has won you over as a loyal customer?
How do you pronounce Aubuchon hardware?
Sturgeon Sighting on Andro
My buddy got this today
I’ve been getting way more promotional post than normal. Just got 7 in a row on Popular
7 ads in a row
AITA for not liking my eldest niece and nephews dad?
AITA for not "helping" my father financially when I barely make enough money for myself?
Headache when drinking some things
What kind of cat is this?
Worn down escalator landing: left foot vs right foot
Women shouldn’t have the right to vote, because too many women vote democrat…
claim you're here before 5 year archive trophy V2
TIL Macaulay Culkin legally changed his name to Macaulay Macaulay Culkin Culkin
Now I only get space if I'm not wearing one
Anyone know what type of piano he has?
Another one from the Walmart in my town
I'm doing it again. If GME closes above $200 I'll reply to every comment under this post and again I do not set a limit. Art by another user (forgot the name)
Your username dictates your death, how do you die?