Are there any context where it would be ok to say the n-word to a black person?
Best/Funniest quote: Maggie
Some racist dude mad about an interracial couple.
Women should be conscripted
Women should have access to abortion and that should be their right!
We Should Stop Hating the LGBTQ+ Community
I want to tell my parents i don’t believe anymore but I am scared I will be killed or they will be depressed because of me
I like early Blair
Ethnic Turbo manlets hanging around groups of girls???
Gaslighting is crazy.
If you think women are so awful, go then. Nobody praises the qualities of men more than incels.
They still will complain the now supposedly “ugly girls” as they’re it don’t want them 😂
“A real man”
They’re so pathetic it’s insane
Black people can't be racist is the dumbest thing I've heard
If You were her What would be the first thing you would do?
Women and children first mentality needs to stop
What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
Is this SA ?
What is the Grey's anatomy version of this?
What is the teen titans version of this?
20(F) never gotten laid and never had a boyfriend. Oh and I have daddy issues. Do your worst.
19F, first time doing this ahhhh
If you had to plan your own funeral, what would your music playlist consist of?
What was your first memory as a child?
What is you favorite song from the 1980s?