[OC] fum is now ricable!
[Hyprland] calm
fum - a customizable mpris music player i made
[OC] fum: a tui mpris music player - more customization!
Customized my linux desktop to be like vim because vim is the one true editor
[Hyprland] inku
[OC] Wip tui mpris player.
[Hyprland] vim_styled on kanagawa
[Hyprland] Hana
[Hyprland] Stone (Dark version of Paper)
[Hyprland] Paper (Repost)
[Hyprland] Paper
[Hyprland] yume but on nord
Its kinda actually cool to have the queue background to be the same as the startup instead of the boring static background
End of the world
Smaller Mysteries Thread
opening buffers like a tiling manager does.
[Hyprland] vim goo brrrrrrrrr
[Hyprland] vertical focused
[Hyprland] Simple compact logout dashboard
[Hyprland] Laptop rice
[Hyprland] gruvbox <3
Visual Studio Code on Android
SocialMedia for pen spinners