Failed installing Anaconda
What is the food at residential colleges like?
Are things at union mart free or just cheaper?
Revlon or Covergirl blue eyeshadow
Natio eyeshadow
Nude by nature eyeshadow
What’s a good club to join to make friends?
Peer Mentorship
Student ID card
Crime, Criminology and Critique lecture time enquiry
Where does the reply for the enquiry go? And how long does it take?
Tips for working in an office setting as a person with Autism/ADHD?
What do you mean I'm autistic? This is a totally normal thing that all NTs do. Everyone peels their oranges like this👀
Which terminology do you prefer, in terms of how you talk about how your autism affects you?
Hygiene tips for those with water overstimulation?
For those of us diagnosed as an adult, do you think we value/like the autism identity more compared to those early diagnosed?
Fun/cool/memorable classes that you guys would recommend
Thoughts on Developmental psychology PSYC20008 or The psychopathology of everyday life PSYC30014
Psych Honours Electives
Thoughts on these psychology/gender subjects
Is Exchange Worth Extending My Degree For?
Gifts for autistic adults?
How do we feel about these?
Names you like that everyone else here hates..
Thoughts on PEERS program?