Debunking muslim appeasement claims. Is it the reality or just a conspiracy theory
Maha Kumbh 2025 is projected to generate up to Rs 2 lakh crore in economic growth for Uttar Pradesh. Expected to boost both nominal and real GDP by over 1 per cent!
About mocks
UR, koi chance hai?
Feeling devastated after today's Tier 2 !!
Backup options for ssc cgl?
MBA as a backup option
CGL Marks out
Jem wolfie
What do you think India will be like post-Modi?
Thinking about next 5 years if BJP wins is scary and horrifying.
Alyx Star retired from porn
'This is a ruinous race to get into now': Raghuram Rajan says India has more pressing needs than chips
Rahul Gandhi questions Why there is No Dalit Miss India till date. Reservation in B'wood next?
Any Hindu-Muslim? Indian-Pakistani couple story?
There were 53 terrorist attacks during the 10 years of Congress government, whereas not even one during the 10 years of Modi government - BJP
Why are most so-called intellectuals anti-BJP?
Uttar Pradesh mandates display of eatery owners names after incidents of spitting and urinating on food, juices