Tower Idea: Innovator Monkey
tired of waiting for Anahita to spawn so i made this concept
Would you nerf Berserker Brew? Why or why not? (Stronger Stim can be unchanged)
Only on stardrop, apple auto trashing smapi
How the hell does one find the shimmer?
If you haven’t already fought skeletron in hard mode, is it possible for dungeon guardian to spawn???
Reached a dead end?
This issue only appears on Stardrop, but it’s super inconvenient
What if you do genocide as your first run of the game?
How was this game ever meant to be played?
Shrink (Fun Idea)
Tower can now go into both crosspaths, but only 1 tier if they do so (5-1-1). What tower benefits the most from this?
Engi Paragon Rework Idea (Ik, such a hot take, if only a hundred other people thought of this before…)
What should the theme of my next card pack be?
What Are Your “This Should Be Effective Against ____ But Isn’t”
A Question About Tack Shooter...
Papytron and Papytron the Great
People who don't end their turn quickly when they are clearly going to win.
Cards to counter OP game mechanics
What are the best mods (Smapi compatible) can I add in 1.6 ?
tell me ur favorite chimps start
is rogue actually bad?
Cards to counter OP game mechanics, also includes nerfs to broken cards
I'd like to revisit this idea for the next update, the Platinum fishing rod, which is basically a hard mode upgrade to the golden fishing rod, to make fishing less of a drag
My Blade Staff upgrade (@SmoothPotat)