Is all that weird distortion in the background noise? Or is it something else??
Another oddball American coin: the short lived 20 cent
Updated IG-88
Absolutely broken die, or just damage?
Favourite quote/line from mouthwashing and why :)
What the fuck?!??
Found My Old Minecraft Mini-Figures Collection
Post your favorite cull/slick/lowball
Half dimes!
Am I allowed to post Credit Union coin machine find?
Yall have gotta see what I just found in this machine! I have had amazing luck with the machines this year
What do you think these little footprints are? [Missouri]
Some nicer additions to the collection I’ve picked up semi-recently. Which one’s your fave?
Thought I found a Mercury dime until I looked closer. My first Barber ever.
Favorite Coin Design?
small find
Look at my cent collection. Isn’t it neat?
Hear me out.
Results from this hunt!
Today's find! The only one in there and it was way in the back
Send a funny pic of your cat and I'll sketch it quickly!
Inherited from Grandfather. Curious of the value.
Furry in my class
My best find EVER!!!