Anyone else think it’s weird TikTok got shut down the same night as disclosure?
Let's get real about psionics. What evidence is there really?
Wakeup call from Ross Coulthart about the UAP community
Anyone notice the toxic positivity?
I thought this subreddit, and Reddit in general, was more mature.
The reaction on reddit absolutely reeks of government disinformation and is incredibly suspicious
I had no ‘wild’ expectations for this reveal but this was just silly and embarrassing
The worst part of it all is that the footage of the Egg didn't even come from Jake Barber.
"Gentlemen, it has been an honor playing with you tonight."
Thank god Lue is on his way to the vatican
Boycott Ross Coulthart and Newsnation
Close-up image of the Egg - from NewsNation's interview with new whistleblower Jacob Barber
The evidence. I'm dying laughing.
Today is my cake day and this better not be bullshit tonight.
This is kinda weird.
Let’s make some predictions about tomorrows News Nation “Reveal”
Prior Tweet from X User Seems to Reveal Further Message from Jake Barber (UAP Whistleblower)
Tweet by Michael Herrera mentioning Jake Barber.
If someone had videofootage, what would everyone's idea on how to mass spread it?
" Something is going to happen "..." I am super cereal this time ... "
This new whistleblower is acquainted with that nutcase that was at Greers press conference
Message from UFO whistleblower Jake Barber: We’re not alone. The sky’s not classified and our consciousness can’t be redacted.
Matt Ford: "Remember when I told you that Greer makes shit up?"
Best case for the video evidence
How high can this REALLY go?