Kim's boat
AITA for not letting my friend copy my notes anymore after she told me I was too "obsessive" about studying?
AIO - Boyfriends Reaction To Me Being In Hospital
AITA for not taking my girlfriend’s side after she embarrassed my friend?
AITA? My dad has this “sacrifice” system, and i really am not sure if this is right.
AITA for subtly suggesting my coworker that they smell bad?
How is it that this happened and we have yet to comment on it?
Favorite Pierce quote?
AITA for telling my aunt who actually watched her dog and taking the payment for it?
Terms of endearment
AIO My (35F) bf (35M) told me he wants me to keep up with my body because he is a high value man
AITA for refusing to buy my husband anymore gifts?
AITA For Not Letting A Woman Cut The Line At The Grocery Store?
AITA for not buying a coffee maker for guests?
What’s your favorite story Alexis has shared about her wild adventures from her rich-girl days?
AITA for sacrificing the guest room instead of the office space?
AITA for Refusing to Let My Brother and His Wife Name Their Baby After Me?
how do i become a less bitter person?
How many hours of practice does one need before they can go for their license?
AITA for kicking out my girlfriend after she shared intimate details with my mom?
AIO to my fiance sharing videos of us having sex?
AITA for telling my best friend not to be so close to my ex.
AITA for refusing to babysit my niece at the last minute?
AIO by being angry with my husband for constantly peeing on the regular toilet seat?
AITA for shouting at my husband when he came into the room during a timed test?