I love my baby to death but the rage I feel if I have to rock her to sleep for more than 10min is indescribable
Am I the one being unreasonable?
Diaper changes
When did your baby start acting more like a human and less like an angry potato?
baby doesnt sleep?
Is anyone else formula feeding their newborn?
Ok where are we putting our babies all day…
husband is in ER, brought baby to see him, totally regretting it
The amount of parents who forget newborn etiquette is infuriating
leaning on your village
OMG the gas! I’m about to lose it.
Newborns are hard
feeling sad
When did you stop feeling anxious about going out with your baby?
How long did your baby fit in newborn clothes/diapers?
Why do I hate my newborn?
feeling so guilty
My baby has decided 2am is his bedtime.
I miss being pregnant
daily routine?
My mom can’t believe I left baby alone sleeping in the bassinet
chest pains
night feeds
I think my supply is finally increasing!