What's a qoute you live by I'll start
Can’t do anything right…
Terrified of Job Change
In what ways do you manage the guilt of living for yourself/your audhd nature?
Dating a Guy with Aspergers LDR
DAE have trouble telling if they're crushing on someone romantically or platonically?
Anyway have anything happy or pleasant to report?
i feel like PTSD is ruining my relationship
Stress stomach issues
I had a dream about visiting horrifying alternate universes
What exactly about autism makes it hard to make friends/partners?
please help! Dream my boyfriend was murdered by an ex
Dream of tarot reading
How do you feel?
Still not sure if anything's real
Do people surprise you?
The death of DEI is the end of the road for us.
You are supposed to behave based on how you look and I hate it.
Dating someone with autism
"Hey guys, did you know that im a psychopath?!"
Psychiatrist says I'm hypersensitive?
Do I tell my ex girlfriend I miss her?
My friend is posting on social media but won't reply to my texts
My boyfriend has a secret baby… at least in my dream
If you could go back to college at no cost and get a degree what would it be?