Difficulty Keeping Unsaturated Fats low in diet
I'm an Extrovert and a Developer - what is a good career path for me?
Indoor Skateparks Near Denver (ideally south)
I stopped skating in my 20’s and now I feel like I lost my identity, do I sound stupid? [33YO]
Guys I don’t know what to do anymore.
Healthy fats
Do you guys eat specific cheese to avoid?
Biggest lesson I learned from this job market
At age 32, my total Calcium Score 102 -- LAD 53 RCA 48
80s, 90s, 00s and 10s vibes were much better than 2024 vibes
Software development was removed from BLS top careers
Maruchan Raman has 7gs of sat fat
Grateful Dead/Bluegrass
What skill level would you expect from a junior engineer?
Is this VERY bad? Should I be concerned?
28F: First lab result; extremely high LDL but relatively low BMI.
Experienced musicians of Reddit, how do you go about creating riffs and melodies that don't suck?
What’s the future of CS look like?
My 10 most played bluegrass albums. What are yours?
Forgetting the words
Why hippies (not what you may think)?
Will dense artery calcification continue to grow?
I do music and stand-up comedy. Why are musicians so much more difficult to talk to than other comics?
Bolted cracks. Yay or Nay?
Confirmed: Interest rates will be cut