I am English, and winning an award at a large corporate work thing, they've asked what music should play that reflects me. I need suggestions. What music would you pick?
I am winning an award at a large corporate work thing, they've asked what music should play that reflects me. I am uncomfortable accepting any sort of accolade and don't want to make a big deal. What should I pick?
You are offered 100 million cash. If you accept, an event will occur but you won’t know what it is. You may ask 3 questions before accepting.
My friend is being extorted, I think? (England)
You receive 250k per year but your sleep schedule is flipped
I found out I make more than my coworker/friend, and I’m the newest on the team… I feel so awful
How many times will you get slapped in the face with your boss's dick for a 50% salary increase each time?
You're offered a credit card that works by taking 1 cent from as many people's bank accounts as is needed to pay for the purchase. Do you take it?
$20k a year tax free, BUT everything you order is public.
S rank character
A Post About Names: Names for Speakers of the Common Tongue
75 million USD instantly but you must “check in” at a random location on earth once a month, on a random day.
Find a wallet every week containing $10 or $10,000. Keep it?
Friend (18m) sent himself intimate videos of me (18f) from my phone. (England)
Is there any way possible to make 25 dollars right now?
I need the best junk magic items you can make!
You stop physically aging the very moment you read this, but cannot tell anyone. Given your age, race, height and lifestyle, how long until the first time someone tells you they've "realized"?
You get 1 dollar for every meter you run non stop how far are you running?
[No Loopholes] Get $100,000 a year, but you have to smoke 3 cigarettes every morning when you wake up
A million a year but you're homeless
How do you describe D&D when asked about hobbies during dating?
What would it take for you to become/stay an American?
Unlimited money but cannot draw attention to yourself
An asteroid is going to strike a major city, you have the chance to change its impact location but...
You’re on a plane full of 280 passengers that will fly for 10hrs. Then slowly descend into the ocean 1/8th a mile from shore. The plane will crash land and you MUST swim to shore. You have 3 containers. You must choose 1 container at the beginning of the flight and survive. Which do you open?