Sewer/drain backed up
Sewer/drain backed up- stuff animals
Who is that not size 4 reflection I see staring straight back at me
Why are we getting ready for the club at 6pm LMFAO
Has anyone upped their Tret, found it was too harsh and went back to original one and got breakouts?
TikTok Engagement Group
“Once I learned that jealousy is truly evil - now I have some of the closest girlfriends ever” BFFR YA WE ALL KNOW WHY YOU CHOSE THOSE GIRLFRIENDS Mikfiltah. You’d never be friends with someone who was actually a size foah 😭😭😭💀💀💀
I look like Kim Kardashian!
She’s getting pass out drunk… and her husband is a recovering addict who’s sober? With him or not on the trip, this is so wrong.
TikTok Creators with Integrity
Does anyone use 2 different strengths on different part of your face at same time?
Must be a slow news day for ENEWS 🤣🤣
The difference!! Especially in the eyebrows and eye space!!
Lmao 🤣
Her edited face sticks out like a sore thumb. 🤣 does she think people won’t notice these things? 💀
Girrrrrl size 4 WHERE bc you and heart of Greg really be looking like twins
Does cerve moisturizer burn anyone else’s skin?
No one believes you, Mikliar.
She's everywhere!
Spotted in the wild at Disney 🥴
What’s a cleanser/moisturizer you use in winter time
The big depression secret
Ok now I think it’s def about Cody lol (from a few days before she announced she was “depressed”)
It’s the clickbait beginning for me. Depresso Mikayla rambling again.
No amount of money will change the fact that she's in that big white house and she's still lonely.